Wow. You’re Good.

Thanks for Wasting time readin’ all that copy.

Who would’ve thought all that copy reading would finally pay off! Because of your courage and attention to detail, I would like to present you with a prize.

Actually, you’re not really saving any money by spending money. But, you have wanted to buy a timeless Light you love, and now you won’t need to replace it every time you redecorate your room. So, I guess you could argue that you no longer need to spend time shopping. Which, if we’re being honest, can add up to a lot if you compare the opportunity cost of your time. Wait, why are you still reading this? There isn’t another Easter Egg hidden within this text. That would be crazy! Anyways, thanks for scrolling and reading all this silly copy.

Here is a link to my favorite tunes to jam → Lil’ Groovez.


Andrew Neyer